Phizzy. Now really.
Christian Science, Russelites, chrustaedlohians.
new york times 9/5/24.
" there are only two shakers left.
they've still got utopia in their sites.. "by jordan kisner.
Phizzy. Now really.
Christian Science, Russelites, chrustaedlohians.
so the following video is part of the latest jw broadcasting for september 2024 the script for this video is taken from the publication "immitate their faith" which is like "my book of bible stories" but for adults but is full of inaccuracies and outright falsehoods and here we deal with an outright fabrication about miriam, the sister of moses:.
under the subtitle "miriam the proud" we read: privileges and prominence bring blessings as well as dangers.
No wonder I never made elder. I bumped my wife every opportunity especially after meetings or travel to assemblies.
local announcement has even pimis amused.
wanting rooms for some event or refugees-not clear.
private room with private bath.
Once upon a time the pope came and tv asked for accomodations-almost all teens. City opened up big time. I think I would just as soon have catholic kids over JW hillbillies.
Back when dad n mom had 3 extra families with kids (they were old friends/family) for a convention; one bathroom, camp cots in the yard. I think grandma (not witness) 3 blocks away took some cousins so that made 2 bathrooms
local announcement has even pimis amused.
wanting rooms for some event or refugees-not clear.
private room with private bath.
They read it again, or take 2, added travel trailers to the list and full bath instead of private. This time I was awake. LDC accomidations for maintainers.
Well maintained halls but they are not ours like in the old days when locals did it with local flairs
apparently, the downsizing is still happening and from what i read those let go are over 50!.
sad because these people expected to be lifers.
now they have to make their way in the world at an advanced age with no education or desirable skill!..
The CO"s regularly bragging about their trips; always done on someone else's money. I know of ONE who saved the green handshakes and retired in a desiresble area and home. Been told he married money too.
The few reassigned ones I had dealings with had both a chip on their shoulder and a mean personality.
Tony is special because of what he knows. Note he gives up the real-estate at death and still has a aging car
I have a list of things I never did or will never be able to again--not world tours, just midweek retirement camping etc. because of deferring them for "service" and health concerns.
local announcement has even pimis amused.
wanting rooms for some event or refugees-not clear.
private room with private bath.
USA mountain west. No idea if a big project is in the works or refugees or just fishing. Wife zooms, I zone out so had to ask her friend.
perhaps we could post the pictures the wt have presented in their literature that depict their version of paradise here for comment/discussion:.
from: spirits of the dead—can they help you or harm you?
do they really exist?.
Talk to any run of the mill bethelite and it ain't paradise
local announcement has even pimis amused.
wanting rooms for some event or refugees-not clear.
private room with private bath.
Local announcement has even pimis amused. Wanting rooms for some event or refugees-not clear. Private room with private bath. Emphasis on private. The second one really floored them; long term guest houses or apartments being sought. No mention of butler or maid though.
I don't know if this was local or national.
I will offer my carriage house and servants rooms🙃 as soon as my overtime (tm) kicks in
have some time thinking about my recent and less recent personal history because of the summer holiday.. the 90's crossed my mind.
the years i became pimo.
a friend, a room mate during the 1993 moscow international convention, went to university.
You better not hit the big lotto. The "not American" religion uses the American movie rating system.
I have to watch to not let it be known I read page 2 of letters. And no slip of the tongue : KoolAid edition watchtower
when i was a kid....i used to look at the wt illustrations of paradise conditions and would day dream about life in the new system....i later used this same technique (shame on me) to brain wash bible students. i grew up lol (apparently!
) the illustrations changed....and became more modern.
I missed that tie. OSB sheathing? Should be wattle and daub on timber framing